Movie Story: The movie revolves around two men, Sunny Kele (Tusshar Kapoor) and Aditya Chothia (Vir Das) who are sex addicts and are fired from their company when they present an ad on a soft drink, Gol Goti Soda, where they showcase a boy wishing to enlarge a girls breasts. The two then meet Laila Lele and Lily Lele (both played by Sunny Leone) who are twins and are extremely attractive. Aditya and Sunny explain their gift of seeing through womens dresses to a man by telling the colour of bras and panties three girls are wearing. Laila is bathing when suddenly her bathroom curtain falls, revealing her naked but her butt gets blocked by soap. Then she moves around her house with a towel which gets ripped by a vacuum cleaner, leaving her to roam in her house totally naked.